1st panel: "Hallelujah for medicine! They finally developed some good medicine for aphtha!"

2nd panel: "This should wipe out it immediately. It might sting a little"

3rd panel: "After finishing some preparations" "Ok, here goes" Mom's watching the progress

4th panel: *touch lightly*

6ht panel: "Holy fuck! Tears are coming to my eyes! Stings 'a little!' my ass! Daaaamn that hurt!" "You're supposed to keep it on that aphtha for five seconds!"

7th panel: "I don't think I'll be going to keep it on that long. What a horrible poison" Soul

8th panel: "Soon" "Well my apththa turned white (zombie?) and doesn't feel at all. That was horrible but affective stuff" ("Expect that it came back a day later")


Tämä tapahtui joskus kuukausi ennen joulua (piirsinkin silloin), mutta en vaan jaksanu lähettää ^^"